About FileChecker
FileChecker provides the capability to scan important files in real-time for deletion, changes, or tampering. Features include regular scanning and CRC32/16/etc checksumming of files (in real-time).
Your watch-list is saved and loaded automatically on program start. FileChecker can be configured to start minimized in the system tray (and, thus, a link can be placed in the Start-Up group of the Start Menu to start FileChecker on system boot-up).
FileChecker was built on the basis of Ad-Aware Checker v1.2 (a program created to watch just the Ad-Aware files, in the wake of the RadLight fiasco). However, as mentioned above, FileChecker provides more advanced features, like the ability to scan any file(s) you want, and the ability to save the "watch-list". It also provides a much-wanted, and highly advanced checksumming feature for files (see section titled "Checksumming" for more details).
The newest version of FileChecker, v1.5, adds numerous improvements and new features. See the FileChecker website for more details.
FileChecker was created by javacool. The newest version of FileChecker can be obtained from http://www.wilderssecurity.com/filechecker.html.
You may contact the author at the official FileChecker forum here: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/index.php?board=8.